Friday, February 11, 2011

When everything freezes

Life must go on; the show can't stop for the cold.
I tried for several days to cover the garden & the beautiful flowers planted near the front door. It was all to no avail. The small stalk of broccoli that I held in my hand just disintegrated between my fingers. I have asked the question, "Will I plant a fall garden again?" I'll ask the question but I don't have to give the answer yet. I will turn my focus to the spring and begin to plan for the vegetables that will go into the soil to replace the Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli and cilantro. However optimistic I may be about the fortitude of vegetables that make in spring, I am saddened by the loss or the ending of the spiritual growth and renewal I associated with the fall garden. Everything about that time was so meditative and purposeful. I question what purpose I have going forward these days. The changes I faced then and the challenges I proposed to myself to test my faith in my abilities as a single mom and newly single adult woman those challenges and changes have become what seems like normal life now. It's true, I've grown accustomed to the loneliness, I've become more comfortable in solitude, and I've met so many new people that I don't feel strange starting my story from the beginning over and over again.
The spring garden, it must be. All the other things, the things I implemented, they won't cease but they will evolve. I am evolving. I am learning, growing and know now that things freeze.